Fear stops us in our tracks. It is that little voice in the back of our head that says, “Your question is dumb.” It is the turning and turning in the pit of your stomach before you submit a big project proposal, the feeling that the plan is flawed and worthless. Fear is that hesitation before you grab the door to walk into an interview for a job you know you deserve. No matter what fear you experience, you can find the courage to overcome.

Take a Leap of Faith

There is a concept called “life inertia” which Psychology Today describes as:

The tendency of people, having once established a life trajectory, to continue on that course unless acted on by a greater force.”

 When we want to do things that are different from what we already are experiencing we have to fight against life’s inertia. Whether it’s changing our job, changing our lifestyle, getting more active, eating differently, or spending more time with our kids: you’re acting against a force that’s already in motion.

So how do you get out of the way of life’s inertia? You take a leap of faith.

It takes a single significant act of risk to change the course of your life. Knowing that just acting out of character, against your current life trajectory, can change the course of your life and can give you the courage to take that first step. Taking a leap of faith is scary and does require courage, but once you have that courage, you can break the cycle and end up doing everything you ever dreamed of.

Practice Mind Control

No, not mind control like from some science fiction movie. However, the kind where you control your thoughts by identifying them and weeding them out. The Washington Post suggests that you practice thought control on a daily basis to get rid of fear and help you move through it. It’s a two-step approach to help you believe brave thoughts to give you the courage to do the things you want to do.

The first step to practicing mind control is identifying negative thoughts or thoughts that are fearful. When you have a fearful thought, merely label it. Calling it what it is demystifies it and lessens the power it has over you. Next, you need to say to yourself that “this is a thought that makes me afraid to do the thing I want to do” and then take a deep breath. Notice how you feel different about the thought and act accordingly.

The thoughts that are negative and fearful don’t need to control your actions when you identify them as fearful thoughts and act against them. The fearful thoughts become less influential in your life, and you become more courageous.

Practice Positive Affirmations

Many times courage comes when we build self-confidence. When you identify your fearful thoughts think about where they stem from. Are your fearful thoughts based on the concept that you lack intelligence? Are your fearful thoughts based on the idea that you aren’t worthy or don’t deserve your position?

Once you identify the base of your fearful thoughts, you can work on eliminating them by incorporating positive affirmations into your daily life. For example, if you’re fearful thoughts stemmed from an idea that you lack intelligence your positive statements should focus on your knowledge and education. You should look yourself in the mirror and say something like “I am a smart and confident person. I have the education and experience to know what I’m doing.”

The Huffington post notes that when you have the ability to tap and into your inner power and change your internal dialogue, you will support your goals and ideas and build the life that you dream of.

It may seem hard to find the courage to change your life. Especially if your fearful thoughts stop you in your tracks. Try practicing these three steps and see how easy it is to overcome your fear.