Absolute Freedom Lifestyle

Are You Living Your Dream? Or Are You Just Living Your Life?

Take The First Step On Your New Journey Today.

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Why You Should Listen To Me!

The internet is dramatically impacting the world and is providing practical people with unlikely money-making opportunities. It has altered the way people do business. Given that it’s out of its infancy and people have grown to depend on it, you have the biggest and best advantage to make the most of this situation, right here, right now. As the internet itself matures and is further refined, more and more people will avail the openings it presents.

Living an Absolute Freedom Lifestyle is just for you savvy people who are prepared to grab the bull by the horns, embrace change, and make the most of the huge opportunities provided by the internet.

Why not open your eyes to the money-making opportunities that exist on your laptop or computer, right in your own home? Why not shy away from traditional employment and gear up for the future? Why not live an Absolute freedom Lifestyle – a lifestyle where you can just whip out your laptop anywhere in the world – and make money!

Investing in yourself is the key to living a life of meaning and purpose and to me, it is the best investment that you could ever make for yourself. So start your new journey today by clicking this link.

My Story

Welcome, my name is Steve and I’m so passionate about helping individuals who want to establish or enhance their online business to get comfortable with technology and marketing. There are many more hidden benefits you’ll discover when you decide to change your life. Having a sense of purpose and being in full control of your destiny is almost priceless. The most important thing I believe is; if you follow my advice, then you can live the Good Life, too.

You see, there’s nothing special about me. My story isn’t earth-shattering. I didn’t know anything about building an online business when I started. So how and why did I succeed online? Well, it’s quite a long story. My life hasn’t always been as healthy and fulfilling as it is now.

To find out why let’s take a few steps back in time.

After closing a failed business back in South Africa, and then immigrating to Australia, going through a divorce was absolutely devastating for me. I can defiantly say I was a very unhappy person.

In Australia, it took me a number of years and hard studies to get a professional job again.

Unfortunately, a well-paid job comes with its trade-offs:

  • Massive amounts of stress;
  • Soaring high blood pressure;
  • Depression;
  • Too much overtime completing something for a boss, who never looked at the results;
  • No personal time to do things for me.

All of this built up until I was so exhausted I just didn’t want to get out of bed to enjoy the weekends. There was little time or motivation to exercise, which led to more weight gain, high blood pressure, and lower self-esteem. Then there were the continuous hours of commuting, strings of endless meetings, and petty office politics! I know when you’re stuck in the middle of a situation like that it’s tricky to distinguish the wood from the trees and accept it’s ruining your health and happiness. It’s almost impossible to see a way through, and a way out. I was made redundant from 2 different jobs at this stage.

I then found a job in my field working on a remote tropical Island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, called Christmas Island, about 360km off the coast of Java. I was emphatic, I wasn’t going back to working for a boss no more, working hard to make profits for someone else’s wallet! No way! I had realised what it was doing to my health and well-being, so it had to stop.

So I started signing up for almost everything going. Internet Marketing, Personal Development, and the odd shyster! I invested a lot of money in my education and self-development. Some of this investment was well spent, and some of it wasn’t.

Here is my biggest mistake.

I thought I could do it on my own! I quickly discovered the internet was like the old Wild West, full of cowboys, hustlers, and sharks.  I was like the lamb to the slaughter. However, I learned from that error or judgment and gathered huge insight into the industry. After extensive research, I uncovered a business model that rose above all of that and transported me from the Wild West into the 21st Century.


My Mentor’s Stuart & Jay from SFM and the Digital Expert Academy

By using this business model I’ve built a reputation for over-delivering massive value for our customers but, more importantly, allowing them to reclaim their lives and find their true financial worth by making money online.

My first goal was to replace my income by working from home while leveraging the power of the internet.  My second goal was to surpass that level. However, in chasing those goals I revealed an inner passion. I don’t want anyone else to waste the same amount of time, money, and effort I did in order to achieve their dream lifestyle. I have an enormous occasion to help others – and gain immense satisfaction in doing so.

It took me many months of research, trial and error, persistence and, perseverance, to finally start realising my dreams. It won’t take you as long and you won’t experience as much despair because you’ll be able to learn from my mistakes.


And there are rewards along the way. For instance, I spent over a year sunning it up on Christmas Island. All I needed was a suitcase and a laptop, along with a chunk of focus and determination. I worked seven twelve hour shifts out of a fortnight where my employer provided my accommodation and meals as well as a satellite internet connection.

I had a glorious year and a half working and having many adventures times during my days off, taking time for scuba diving, one of the best dive sites in the world, crystal clear water, abundant aquatic life and the tropical weather made it a dream working holiday. Taking long walks through the Jungle and discovering caves on the island.  Bird watching became one of my interests. The best experience ever was watching the fifty million red land crabs migrating in the wet season to the ocean to spawn their eggs.

That laptop summer on Christmas Island in the sun was a reality check for me. I really could work anywhere in the world that had a good internet connection. The best bit is that internet access in most places of the world is low cost. I also got to experience an amazing lifestyle, gorgeous weather, and open freedom.

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*DISCLAIMER: Individual results will vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee any results.
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Christmas Island Photo Gallary

About Christmas Island

Christmas Island is a dot in the Indian Ocean, located 2600km north-west of Perth, Western Australia. Even though it is an Australian Territory, its closest neighbour is Java, 360km away.

Christmas Island is the summit of a submarine mountain, rising steeply to a central plateau dominated by stands of rainforest. This plateau reaches heights of up to 361 metres and consists mainly of limestone and layers of volcanic rock.

The island’s 80 kilometre coastline is an almost continuous sea cliff, of up to 20 metres in height. In a few places, the cliff gives way to shallow bays with small sand and coral shingle beaches. The largest of these bays forms the island’s only port; Flying Fish Cove.

Christmas Island Song – Chillin On CI
*The nitty-gritty. This is our full disclaimer. Please be sure to read it carefully so you know exactly where you stand:

Note that individual results will vary and income success is not guaranteed. Our goal is to give you the online tools and education to help kick-start your business, but the effort you put in is what will make or break your success levels. While our business system is proven by the genuine achievements of our members, this does not mean you will get the same results. There are those who will not earn any money at all with our program because it all depends on your determination, hard work and ability to follow directions. As an entrepreneur, the understanding needs to be in place that you will take full responsibility for your business.

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